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Windows XP (32-bit)

· 48 MB = SessionViewSize (default registry value, set for XP Professional, x86)

· 20 MB = SessionViewSize (if no registry value is defined)

· 3072 KB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 512 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 128 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 64 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size

Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)

· 48 MB = SessionViewSize (default registry value)

· 20 MB = SessionViewSize (if no registry value is defined; this is the default for Terminal Servers)

· 3072 KB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 512 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 128 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 64 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size

Windows Server 2003 booted with 3GB (32-bit)

· 20 MB = SessionViewSize (registry value has no effect)

· 3072 KB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 512 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 128 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 64 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size


Windows Server 2003 (64-bit)

· 104 MB = SessionViewSize (if no registry value is defined; which is the default)

· 20 MB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 768 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 192 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 96 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size

Windows Vista RTM (32-bit)

· Session View space is now a dynamic kernel address range. The SessionViewSize registry value is no longer used.

· 3072 KB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 512 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 128 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 64 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size

Windows Vista (64-bit) and Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)

· Session View space is now a dynamic kernel address range. The SessionViewSize registry value is no longer used.

· 20 MB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 768 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 192 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 96 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size


Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit) and Windows Server 2008 (32-bit)

· Session View space is now a dynamic kernel address range. The SessionViewSize registry value is no longer used.

· 12288 KB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 512 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 128 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 64 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size




LPC(Local-Process-communicationandnotlocalprocedure-Calls)是一种在NT内核中实现的基于消息的高速通信机制。LPC可用于两个用户模式进程之间、用户模式进程与内核模式驱动程序之间或两个内核模式驱动程序之间的通信。一个例子是通过LPC通信的两个用户模式进程。像CSRSS.exe与SMSS.exe通信,在创建登录会话或任何与LSASS.exe。出于安全原因,通过lsa认证端口。用户模式进程与内核模式驱动程序通信的另一个例子是 KSecDD.sys司与LSASS.exe通信用于在读/写加密文件期间对EFS密钥进行加密和解密。


LPC api是本机api,即它们在用户模式下通过NTDLL.dll在内核模式下NTOSKRNL.exe文件. lpcapis没有在Win32级别公开,因此Win32应用程序不能直接使用LPC工具。然而,在使用RPC时,Win32应用程序可以通过协议序列“ncalrpc”将LPC指定为其底层传输,从而间接地使用LPC。所有lpcapis都以单词“Port”结尾,这意味着LPC通信端点。




Used by server to create a connection port


Used by client to connect to a connection port


Used by server to listen for connection requests on the connection port.


Used by server to accept connection requests on the connection port


Used by server to complete the acceptance of a connection request


Used to send a datagram message that does not have a reply


Used to send a message and wait for a reply


Used to send a reply to a particular message


Used to send a reply to a particular message and wait for a reply to a previous message


Used by server to send a reply to the client and wait to receive a message from the client


Used by server thread to temporarily borrow the security context of a client thread











LPC Data Structures

LPC Port Data Structure

LPC Port被称为端口。LPC实现使用相同的端口结构来表示各种类型的端口。LPC使用的端口是服务器连接端口,这些端口是由服务器进程创建的用于接受来自客户端的传入连接的命名端口。客户机通信端口由客户机进程创建以连接到服务器进程和服务器进程创建的服务器通信端口。





kd> dt nt!_LPCP_PORT_OBJECT+0x000ConnectionPort : Ptr32 _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT+0x004ConnectedPort : Ptr32 _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT+0x008MsgQueue : _LPCP_PORT_QUEUE+0x018Creator : _CLIENT_ID+0x020ClientSectionBase : Ptr32 Void+0x024ServerSectionBase : Ptr32 Void+0x028PortContext : Ptr32 Void+0x02cClientThread : Ptr32 _ETHREAD+0x030SecurityQos : _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE+0x03cStaticSecurity : _SECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT+0x078LpcReplyChainHead : _LIST_ENTRY+0x080LpcDataInfoChainHead : _LIST_ENTRY+0x088ServerProcess : Ptr32 _EPROCESS+0x088MappingProcess : Ptr32 _EPROCESS+0x08cMaxMessageLength : Uint2B+0x08eMaxConnectionInfoLength : Uint2B+0x090Flags : Uint4B+0x094 WaitEvent : _KEVENT


LPC Kernel Debugger Extensions




Display the list and description of all the !lpc commands

!lpc message [MessageId]

Display the message with a given ID and all related information by attempting to match the given Message ID to the EHTREAD->LpcReceivedMessageId and to the ETHREAD->LpcReplyMessageId of all threads in the system.

If the MessageId parameter is omitted then it attempts to display all the outstanding messages in the system by searching for the tag ‘LpcM’ in the pools.

!lpc port [PortAddress]

Displays port information. If a server connection port address is specified then only information about that port is displayed. If either a client or server communication port is specified it prints information about the specified communication port, the peer communication port and the server connection port.

If the PortAddress parameter is omitted then it attempts to walk the list of all objects of type “Port” and “WaitablePort” and display them. Note that for this feature to work the GFlags option “+otl” i.e. “Maintain a list of objects for each type” must be enabled.

!lpc scan PortAddress

Displays port information. It attempts to walk the list of all objects of type “Port” and “WaitablePort” and display the one matching the specified port address. Note that for this feature to work the GFlags option “+otl” i.e. “Maintain a list of objects for each type” must be enabled.

!lpc thread [ThreadAddr]

If ThreadAddr is specified it walks the list of threads in the ETHREAD-> LpcReplyChain to locate the list head i.e. a “Port” or “WaitablePort” object on which the thread is waiting for a reply.

If the ThreadAddr parameter is omitted then it attempts to find all LPC server threads by looking for threads with a non-NULL EHTREAD->LpcReceivedMessageId and all client threads by looking for threads with a non-NULL ETHREAD->LpcReplyMessageId and displays them.

!lpc PoolSearch

Toggles a setting that controls whether the “lpc message” command will search for LPC message tag (‘LpcM’) in the kernel pools or not.

LPC Kernel Debugger Extension Usage


kd> !thread 810de2a8

THREAD 810de2a8 Cid 01dc.01f4 Teb: 7ffde000 Win32Thread:
00000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReceive) UserMode Non-Alertable81131188 Semaphore Limit 0x7fffffff810de398 NotificationTimer

Not impersonating

DeviceMap e196c460

Owning Process 810ddda0 Image: rpclpcs.exe

Wait Start TickCount
64666666 Ticks: 402 (0:00:00:04.025)

Context Switch Count
2UserTime00:00:00.000KernelTime00:00:00.000Win32 Start Address0x77e76bf0Start Address0x7c810856Stack Init f8e28000 Current f8e27c4c Base f8e28000 Limit f8e25000 Call0Priority8 BasePriority 8 PriorityDecrement 0 DecrementCount 0ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child

f8e27c64 804dc6a6 810de318 810de2a8 804dc6f2 nt
!KiSwapContext+0x2e (FPO: [Uses EBP] [0,0,4])

f8e27c70 804dc6f2 e1084108 8055a540 e1084108 nt
!KiSwapThread+0x46 (FPO: [0,0,0])

f8e27c98 8056a50a
00000001 00000010 00000001 nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x1c2 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])

f8e27d48 804df06b 000007c4 002bff70
00000000 nt!NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx+0x3dc (FPO: [Non-Fpo])

f8e27d48 7c90eb94 000007c4 002bff70
00000000 nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8 (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ f8e27d64)

00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet (FPO: [0,0,0])

> !handle 7c4 3810ddda0

processor number
0, process 810ddda0

PROCESS 810ddda0 SessionId:
0Cid: 01dc Peb: 7ffd9000 ParentCid: 01b4

DirBase: 058cd000 ObjectTable: e1a13278 HandleCount:

Image: rpclpcs.exe

Handle table at e107d000 with
18 Entries inuse

07c4: Object: e1084108 GrantedAccess: 001f0001 Entry: e107df88

Object: e1084108 Type: (812b5c80) Port

ObjectHeader: e10840f0 (old version)

1 PointerCount: 4Directory Object: e14c72c8 Name: rpclpc

> !lpc port e1084108

Server connection port e1084108 Name: rpclpc

1 References: 4Server process : 810ddda0 (rpclpcs.exe)

Queue semaphore :
81131188Semaphore state0 (0x0)

The message queue is empty

The LpcDataInfoChainHead queue is empty

LPC Messages that are waiting to be picked up by the server thread


000120a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000000120b000000000 00000000 00000000 00000000000120c000000000 00000000 00000000 00000000000120d000000000 00000000 00000000 00000000000120e000000000 00000000 00000000 00000000000120f000000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

00012100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

00012110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

00012120 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000...