wenmo8 发布的文章

Windows错误报告(WER)提供了许多设置来自定义问题报告体验。所有这些设置都可以使用组策略进行设置。有些还可以在Windows 7、Windows 8的操作中心或Windows Vista的问题报告和解决方案中进行更改。WER设置位于以下注册表子项之一:

使用Microsoft Visual Studio 进行调试时,在打开托管调试的情况下从.NET项目进行调试时,您可能会受到各种不真正关心的异常的困扰。以下是如何设置你的环境来忽略那些愚蠢的东西,并保留好的东西。



  1. 勾选(在方框中打勾)两列中的所有类别。
  2. 选中然后取消选中托管调试助手以强制取消选中所有子项。
  3. 使用Add按钮,将C++(Exchange)、EEFileLoadExceptionHRException添加到C++异常类别中。取消选中它们。


  • C++ Exceptions
  • EEMessageException
  • Win32 Exceptions
  • e0434352 CLR Exception






$$ =============================================================================

$$ Verify Connections from Pool.


$$ Compatilibity: Win32, should work on Win64.


$$ Attention! For .Net Framework 2.0, edit the script and remove the clr10\\ from it so it can use the

$$ sos.dll version 2.0


$$ Usage: $$< to run the script. (note: Just $$< not $$><)


$$ Requirements: Public symbols.


$$ Roberto Alexis Farah

$$ All my scripts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confer no rights.

$$ =============================================================================


.shell -i - -ci ".foreach ( obj {!clr10\\sos.dumpheap -type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection -short} ) {!do ${obj} }" FIND "_fInPool"

.shell -i - -ci ".foreach ( obj {!clr10\\sos.dumpheap -type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolControl -short} ) {!do ${obj} }" FIND "_fResetConnection"

.shell -i - -ci ".foreach ( obj {!clr10\\sos.dumpheap -type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolControl -short} ) {!do ${obj} }" FIND "_maxPool"


$$ Number of Connection Objects

$$ ============================


!clr10\\sos.dumpheap -type System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection -stat


$$ ===================================================================



  • ANSI字符串。
  • Unicode字符串。
  • 符号。
  • 指针引用。
  • 帧局部变量。(需要专用符号)







Source code - DIG_STACK.TXT:


$$ =============================================================================

$$ Dig information from the current call stack:

$$ - Unicode Strings

$$ - ANSI Strings

$$ - Symbols

$$ - Pointer references

$$ - Local variables by frames


$$ Compatibility: Win32, should work on Win64.


$$ Usage: $$>< to run the script.


$$ If necessary change the filename below to include your path and filename.

$$ By default it uses the WinDbg path and the default file name is DIG_STACK.TXT


$$ Roberto Alexis Farah

$$ Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/debuggingtoolbox/


$$ All my scripts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confer no rights.

$$ =============================================================================




as ${/v:ScriptName} MYSCRIPTS\\DIG_STACK.txt




.printf /D "<link cmd=\"dpu @$csp poi(@$teb+0x4);ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Unicode Strings</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"dpa @$csp poi(@$teb+0x4);ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>ANSI Strings</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"dps @$csp poi(@$teb+0x4);ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Symbols</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"dpp @$csp poi(@$teb+0x4);ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Pointer References</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"kpM 2000;ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Local Variables by Frames</b></link>\n"


$$ ===========================================================================


 Source code for GET_SQLCOMMAND.TXT:



$$ =============================================================================

$$ It shows the SQL commands from a .NET application. It gives you detailed information

$$ and the threads using the query/stored procedure you selected.

$$ Useful for Oracle and SQL Server.


$$ Compatibility: Win32.


$$ Usage: Use $$>< to run the program.


$$ Requirements: Public symbols.


$$ If necessary change the filename below to include your path and filename.

$$ By default it uses the WinDbg path and the default file name is GET_SQLCOMMAND.TXT


$$ Roberto Alexis Farah

$$ Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/debuggingtoolbox/


$$ All my scripts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confer no rights.

$$ =============================================================================


ad /q *

r @$t0 = 0

r @$t1 = 0

.printf /D "<b>\nClick on the queries/stored procedures below to get more details and to find out the threads using it.\n\n</b>"





        as ${/v:ScriptName} MYSCRIPTS\\GET_SQLCOMMAND.TXT




        as SQLCommand .block


            !DumpObj poi(@$t0+0x10)

            !DumpObj @$t0

            !GCRoot @$t0





        as OracleCommand .block


            !DumpObj poi(@$t0+0x14)

            !DumpObj @$t0

            !GCRoot @$t0




.foreach(obj {!dumpheap -short -type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand } )


    r @$t1 = 1

    .printf /D "<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = ${obj}; ${SQLCommand} ;ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>%mu</b></link>\n\n", poi(${obj}+0x10)+0xc


.foreach(obj {!dumpheap -short -type System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand } )


    r @$t1 = 1

    .printf /D "<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = ${obj}; ${OracleCommand} ;ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>%mu</b></link>\n\n", poi(${obj}+0x14)+0xc


.if(0 = @$t1)


    .printf /D "<b>\nNo SQL commands found.\n</b>"
