DBGHELP.DLL中有一些文档化的WinDBG扩展命令,例如!sym and !dh,分别设置符号加载诊断和转储模块PE头。看到itoldyouso是小写的,我不禁怀疑它是否是一个未经文档化的WinDBG扩展命令。启动WinDBG并输入!itoldyouso,产生了以下结果:

0:000> !itoldyouso!IToldYouSo <module>[symbol]!IToldYouSo tests the validity of a module against a symbol file.
The module can be specified by either its name or base address.
If a symbol
file is not specified, thenthe loaded symbol is tested.
if a pdb or dbg symbol filepath is specified, it is tested
against the loaded module.

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