分类 调试 下的文章


Windows XP (32-bit)

· 48 MB = SessionViewSize (default registry value, set for XP Professional, x86)

· 20 MB = SessionViewSize (if no registry value is defined)

· 3072 KB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 512 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 128 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 64 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size

Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)

· 48 MB = SessionViewSize (default registry value)

· 20 MB = SessionViewSize (if no registry value is defined; this is the default for Terminal Servers)

· 3072 KB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 512 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 128 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 64 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size

Windows Server 2003 booted with 3GB (32-bit)

· 20 MB = SessionViewSize (registry value has no effect)

· 3072 KB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 512 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 128 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 64 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size


Windows Server 2003 (64-bit)

· 104 MB = SessionViewSize (if no registry value is defined; which is the default)

· 20 MB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 768 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 192 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 96 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size

Windows Vista RTM (32-bit)

· Session View space is now a dynamic kernel address range. The SessionViewSize registry value is no longer used.

· 3072 KB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 512 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 128 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 64 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size

Windows Vista (64-bit) and Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)

· Session View space is now a dynamic kernel address range. The SessionViewSize registry value is no longer used.

· 20 MB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 768 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 192 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 96 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size


Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit) and Windows Server 2008 (32-bit)

· Session View space is now a dynamic kernel address range. The SessionViewSize registry value is no longer used.

· 12288 KB = Interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 2nd value)

· 512 KB = Non-interactive desktop heap size (defined in the registry, SharedSection 3nd value)

· 128 KB = Winlogon desktop heap size

· 64 KB = Disconnect desktop heap size




DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C,代码0x40010006;DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_WIDE_C,代码0x4001000A;在调试器的控制台窗口打印异常信息/调试信息。它定义在 ntstatus.h头文件里,如下:

// MessageText:
// Debugger printed exception on control C.
#define DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C             ((NTSTATUS)0x40010006L)    // winnt


// MessageText:
// Debugger printed exception on control C.
#define DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_WIDE_C        ((NTSTATUS)0x4001000AL)    // winnt





ExceptionAddress: 0xXXXXXXXX
ExceptionCode: 40010006/4001000A//错误代码
ExceptionFlags: 00000001
NumberParameters: 2//附加参数个数,一般为2个
Parameter[0]: //信息字符串长度






*abort.c - abort a program by raising SIGABRT
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* defines abort() - print a message and raise SIGABRT.
*/#include<cruntime.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<internal.h>#include<awint.h>#include<rterr.h>#include<signal.h>#include<oscalls.h>#include<mtdll.h>#include<dbgint.h>#ifdef _DEBUG#define _INIT_ABORT_BEHAVIOR _WRITE_ABORT_MSG #else /* _DEBUG */ #define _INIT_ABORT_BEHAVIOR _CALL_REPORTFAULT #endif /* _DEBUG */unsignedint __abort_behavior =_INIT_ABORT_BEHAVIOR;/***
*void abort() - abort the current program by raising SIGABRT
* print out an abort message and raise the SIGABRT signal. If the user
* hasn't defined an abort handler routine, terminate the program
* with exit status of 3 without cleaning up.
* Multi-thread version does not raise SIGABRT -- this isn't supported
* under multi-thread.
* None.
* Does not return.
*/ void__cdecl abort (void)
_PHNDLR sigabrt_act

#ifdef _DEBUG
if (__abort_behavior &_WRITE_ABORT_MSG)
/*write the abort message*/_NMSG_WRITE(_RT_ABORT);
#endif /* _DEBUG */ /*Check if the user installed a handler for SIGABRT.
* We need to read the user handler atomically in the case
* another thread is aborting while we change the signal
* handler.
*/sigabrt_act=__get_sigabrt();if (sigabrt_act !=SIG_DFL)
/*If there is no user handler for SIGABRT or if the user
* handler returns, then exit from the program anyway
*/ if (__abort_behavior &_CALL_REPORTFAULT)
#if defined (_M_ARM) || defined (_CRT_APP)__fastfail(FAST_FAIL_FATAL_APP_EXIT);#else /* defined (_M_ARM) || defined (_CRT_APP) */ if(IsProcessorFeaturePresent(PF_FASTFAIL_AVAILABLE))

#endif /* defined (_M_ARM) || defined (_CRT_APP) */}/*If we don't want to call ReportFault, then we call _exit(3), which is the
* same as invoking the default handler for SIGABRT
*unsigned int _set_abort_behavior(unsigned int, unsigned int) - set the behavior on abort
* unsigned int flags - the flags we want to set
* unsigned int mask - mask the flag values
* Return the old behavior flags
* None
*/unsignedint __cdecl _set_abort_behavior(unsigned int flags, unsigned intmask)
int oldflags =__abort_behavior;
= oldflags & (~mask) | flags &mask;returnoldflags;


以下工具是“Debugging Tools for Windows”的一部分–您肯定需要这些工具:

· windbg

· cdb

· ntsd

· tlist

· gflags

· adplus


· symcheck


· Process Explorer

· Process Monitor

· Regmon

· Filemon

· DbgView

· Handle.exe

· Tcpview

· LiveKD

· AutoRuns

· WinObj

“MPS Reports”(MPSRPT_SETUPPerf.EXE)中包含许多工具,但我在这里专门列出Checksym

· Checksym
