今天是《Net 高级调试》的第十六篇文章,

既然是最后一篇文章,我需要在这里说明一下,我当前的这个系列,不是针对《Net 高级调试》这本书来的,而是根据“
”的视频做的这个系列。当然了,他的视频是根据《Net 高级调试》这本书来的,内容上做了一些调整,可以说是与时俱进的。说实在的,我第一次看《Net 高级调试》这个本书是蒙的,不知道从何处入手,有一个视频带我入门,相对而言是更容易下一下。入门之后,在深入研究《Net 高级调试这个本书》。

好了废话就说这么多。今天是这个系列的最后一章,主要说一下【互用性】调试相关的内容,比如:P/Invoke调用的调试,互操作中的内存泄漏,COM互用性中终结操作的调试。我们写 C# 代码的,有时候也会用到P/Invoke调用的,多积累点经验是好事,我们可以做到有事不怕事,来者不拒。这些底层的东西,肯定不是一次就能接受的,所以,我们需要多次调试,才能慢慢体会其中之意,俗话说的好,书读千遍,其意自现。
如果在没有说明的情况下,所有代码的测试环境都是 Net Framewok 4.8,但是,有时候为了查看源码,可能需要使用 Net Core 的项目,我会在项目章节里进行说明。好了,废话不多说,开始我们今天的调试工作。

操作系统:Windows Professional 10
调试工具:Windbg Preview(可以去Microsoft Store 去下载)
开发工具:Visual Studio 2022
Net 版本:Net Framework 4.8

1、平台调用 P/Invoke

平台调用服务 P/Invoke 是 CLR 的一部分,负责确保托管代码可以调用从非托管程序集中导出的各种函数,原因很简单,托管类型参数和非托管类型参数是不一致的,比如:托管的引用类型是带有附加信息的,二非托管类型是不可能有的。

2、P/Invoke 的崩溃

【托管代码】到【非托管代码】的切换过程中,对象的固定是有 P/Invoke 层全权负责的,但是这个固定的范围这个同步的 Request-Response 周期,如果超过请求相应周期,那就容易出现各种问题,比如:Example_16_1_4。




1 usingSystem;2 usingSystem.Diagnostics;3 usingSystem.Runtime.InteropServices;4 
5 namespaceExample_16_1_16 {7     internal classProgram8 {9         /// <summary>
10         /// 
11         /// </summary>
12         /// <param name="freq"></param>
13         /// <param name="dur"></param>
14         /// <returns></returns>
15         [DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]16         private static extern bool Beep(uint freq, uintdur);17 
19         static void Main(string[] args)20 {21 Debugger.Break();22 
23             Beep(1000, 1000);24 
25 Console.ReadLine();26 }27 }28 }

View Code


1 usingSystem;2 usingSystem.Runtime.InteropServices;3 
4 namespaceExample_16_1_25 {6     internal classProgram7 {8         [DllImport("Example_16_1_3.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.ThisCall, CharSet =CharSet.Unicode)]9         //[DllImport("Example_16_1_3.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
10         public static extern void Alloc(stringstr);11         static void Main(string[] args)12 {13             var str = "hello world";14 
15 Alloc(str);16 
17 Console.ReadLine();18 }19 }20 }

View Code


1 //Example_16_1_3.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。
3 extern "C"
4 {5     __declspec(dllexport) void Alloc(wchar_t*c);6 }7 
8 #include "iostream"
9 #include <Windows.h>
11 using  namespacestd;12 
13 void Alloc(wchar_t*c)14 {15     wprintf(L"%s \n", c);16 }

View Code


1 usingSystem;2 usingSystem.Runtime.InteropServices;3 
4 namespaceExample_16_1_45 {6     internal classProgram7 {8         public delegate void Callback(uinti);9         static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 Test();12             GC.Collect(); //不出问题的情况。
13 Console.ReadLine();14 }15 
16         //static GCHandle handle;
17         private static voidTest()18 {19             Callback callback =MyRun;20 
21             //handle=GCHandle.Alloc(callback, GCHandleType.Normal);
22 AsyncProcess(callback);23 
24             callback = null;25 }26 
27         private static void MyRun(uinti)28 {29             Console.WriteLine("这是非托管代码回调我的实现!");30 }31 
32         private static void MyCallback(stringresult)33 {34             Console.WriteLine($"Result={result}");35 }36 
37         [DllImport("Example_16_1_5", CallingConvention =CallingConvention.StdCall)]38         private static extern voidAsyncProcess(Callback callback);39 }40 }

View Code


1 //Example_16_1_5.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。2 //3 
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <Windows.h>
7 using namespacestd;8 
9 typedef void(__stdcall*PCallback)(UINT result);10 
11 extern "C"
12 {13     _declspec(dllexport) void__stdcall AsyncProcess(PCallback ptr);14 }15 
16 DWORD WINAPI ThreadWorkItem(LPVOID lpParameter)17 {18     printf("我是非托管的工作线程,tid=%d \n", GetCurrentThreadId());19 
20     Sleep(2000);21 
22     PCallback callback =(PCallback)lpParameter;23 
24     callback(0);25 
26     return 0;27 }28 
29 void__stdcall AsyncProcess(PCallback ptr)30 {31     HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadWorkItem, ptr, 0, NULL);32 }

View Code


1 usingSystem;2 usingSystem.Runtime.InteropServices;3 usingSystem.Threading.Tasks;4 
5 namespaceExample_16_1_66 {7     internal classProgram8 {9         [DllImport("Example_16_1_7", CallingConvention =CallingConvention.StdCall)]10         private static extern int InitData(intlen);11 
12         static void Main(string[] args)13 {14             var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
15 {16                 for (int i = 0; i < int.MaxValue; i++)17 {18                     InitData(10000);19 
20                     Console.WriteLine($"i={i} 次操作!");21 }22 });23 
24 Console.ReadLine();25 }26 }27 }

View Code


1 //Example_16_1_7.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。2 //3 
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <Windows.h>
7 using namespacestd;8 
9 extern "C"
10 {11     _declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall InitData(intlen);12 }13 
14 int __stdcall InitData(intlen) {15     char* c = new char[len];16     return 1;17 }

View Code

项目的所有操作都是一样的,所以就在这里说明一下,但是每个测试例子,都需要重新启动,并加载相应的应用程序,加载方法都是一样的。流程如下:我们编译项目,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【launch executable】附加程序,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。


2.1、如何观察 P/Invoke 是CLR的一部分。
因为【Beep】是Windows 提供的蜂鸣函数,可以直接用【bp】命令下断点,过了这么多年,这个函数的名称也有了变化,现在是【
当我们进入 Windbg 调试器界面后,我们使用【x】命令,查找一下【Beep】这个函数。

1 0:000> x kernel32!*beep*
2 7771194c          KERNEL32!_imp__Beep = <no type information>
3 776c0660          KERNEL32!BeepImplementation (_BeepImplementation@8)


1 0:000> bp KERNEL32!BeepImplementation2 0:000>g3 ModLoad: 75760000757d9000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ADVAPI32.dll4 ModLoad: 76de0000 76e9f000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcrt.dll5 ModLoad: 75a10000 75a85000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll6 ModLoad: 754c0000 7557a000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RPCRT4.dll7 ModLoad: 750f0000 7517d000   C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll8 ModLoad: 75ed0000 75f15000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SHLWAPI.dll9 ModLoad: 764000007640f000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel.appcore.dll10 ModLoad: 75340000 75348000C:\Windows\SysWOW64\VERSION.dll11 ModLoad: 74740000 74ef0000   C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll12 ModLoad: 75a90000 75c24000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\USER32.dll13 ModLoad: 75f90000 75fa8000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\win32u.dll14 ModLoad: 739c0000 73a6b000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ucrtbase_clr0400.dll15 ModLoad: 73a70000 73a84000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\VCRUNTIME140_CLR0400.dll16 ModLoad: 75c30000 75c53000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\GDI32.dll17 ModLoad: 76410000764eb000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gdi32full.dll18 ModLoad: 76360000763db000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcp_win.dll19 ModLoad: 755a0000 756c0000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ucrtbase.dll20 ModLoad: 75fb0000 75fd5000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\IMM32.DLL21 ModLoad: 760d0000 76350000C:\Windows\SysWOW64\combase.dll22 (ef0.18fc): Unknown exception - code 04242420(first chance)23 ModLoad: 72340000 7374e000   C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\mscorlib\218db16dceaef380c6daf35c6a48f313\mscorlib.ni.dll24 ModLoad: 75890000 75973000C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ole32.dll25 ModLoad: 760d0000 76350000C:\Windows\SysWOW64\combase.dll26 ModLoad: 764f0000 7654c000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\bcryptPrimitives.dll27 ModLoad: 71c00000 71c8a000   C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clrjit.dll28 ModLoad: 770d0000 7716b000   C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OLEAUT32.dll29 (ef0.18fc): Break instruction exception - code 80000003(first chance)30 eax=00f3f358 ebx=00000000 ecx=01045e60 edx=00f3f530 esi=02f524d4 edi=00f3f39c31 eip=75e0f262 esp=00f3f2f0 ebp=00f3f37c iopl=0nv up ei pl zr na pe nc32 cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000246
33 KERNELBASE!wil::details::DebugBreak+0x2:34 75e0f262 cc              int     3


1 0:000>g2 Breakpoint 0hit3 eax=776c0660 ebx=00f3f460 ecx=74813ac3 edx=00000000 esi=01045e60 edi=00f3f3d04 eip=776c0660 esp=00f3f340 ebp=00f3f3a4 iopl=0nv up ei pl zr na pe nc5 cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000246
6 KERNEL32!BeepImplementation:7 776c0660 8bff            mov     edi,edi


1 0:000> !clrstack2 OS Thread Id: 0x18fc (0)3 Child SP       IP Call Site4 00f3f350 776c0660 [InlinedCallFrame: 00f3f350]5 00f3f34c 02db092d DomainBoundILStubClass.IL_STUB_PInvoke(UInt32, UInt32)6 00f3f350 02db087a [InlinedCallFrame: 00f3f350] Example_16_1_1.Program.Beep(UInt32, UInt32)7 00f3f3ac 02db087a Example_16_1_1.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:\Visual Studio 2022\...\Example_16_1_1\Program.cs @ 23]8 00f3f530 7474f036 [GCFrame: 00f3f530] 

InlinedCallFrame: 00f3f350
这样有一个地址,就是一个栈针,这个栈针就是 CLR 里面的部分,这个栈针地址就会调用 LoadLibrary方法,加载【Kernel32.dll】,如果加载了这个dll,就不需要在加载了,如果没有加载才加载。加载了 dll 找到 Beep 方法的方发表,调用执行就可以了。


1 0:000>dp 00f3f3502 00f3f350  7474fd74 00f3f530 0000000800f3f3443 00f3f360  02db092d 00f3f3a4 02d24d58 01045e604 00f3f370  00f3f310 00f3f3d0 776c0660 ffffffff5 00f3f380  747ff800 000003e8 000003e8 00000000
6 00f3f390  000003e8 000003e8 00f3f460 00000000
7 00f3f3a0  00f3f3d0 00f3f3b8 02db087a 00000000
8 00f3f3b0  0000000002f524c8 00f3f3c4 7474f0369 00f3f3c0  01045e60 00f3f418 747522da 00f3f46010 0:000>dp 00f3f350 L111 00f3f350  7474fd74

然后,我们在使用【ln 7474fd74】命令,查看具体详情。

1 0:000>ln 7474fd742 Browse module3 Set bu breakpoint4 
5 (7474fd74)   clr!InlinedCallFrame::`vftable'|  (7474fdc0)   clr!HelperMethodFrame_1OBJ::`vftable'
6 Exact matches:

当然,我们也可以使用【u】命令,查看 clr!InlinedCallFrame 方法的源码。当然,这个源码是汇编源码。

1 0:000>u 7474fd742 clr!InlinedCallFrame::`vftable':
3 7474fd74 30a1757490ba    xor     byte ptr [ecx-456F8B8Bh],ah4 7474fd7a 7574            jne     clr!HelperMethodFrame_1OBJ::`vftable'+0x30 (7474fdf0)
5 7474fd7c b019            mov     al,19h6 7474fd7e 7574            jne     clr!HelperMethodFrame_1OBJ::`vftable'+0x34 (7474fdf4)
7 7474fd80 1061a0          adc     byte ptr [ecx-60h],ah8 7474fd83 7460            je      clr!HelperMethodFrame_1OBJ::`vftable'+0x25 (7474fde5)
9 7474fd85 f9              stc10 7474fd86 7f74            jg      clr!HelperMethodFrame_1OBJ::`vftable'+0x3c (7474fdfc)

调试源码:Example_16_1_2 和 Example_16_1_3(C++)
我们【Example_16_1_2】项目的 Program 类声明了一个Alloc方法,是C++ 的。这个方法的调用协定就是【CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl、CallingConvention.StdCall、CallingConvention.ThisCall】这个3中协定都是正常执行的,
,传递字符的规格是【CharSet = CharSet.Unicode】,也就是双字节。
我们的C++项目【Example_16_1_3】的【Example_16_1_3.cpp】类就定义了 Alloc 方法。我们为了传递和接受双字节的字符,在C++ 里面需要使用【wchar_t】类型,这个函数导出的时候格式是以【extern "C"】C语言的格式为标准的。
到现在,我们可以直接运行【Example_16_1_2】项目的 exe 程序,(说明:调用协定是CallingConvention.Cdecl,才可以调用成功,CallingConvention.ThisCall是举例调用协定不一致出现问题,大家要熟悉),我们看看运行结果,效果如图:

现在,我们把调用协定修改为【CallingConvention.FastCall】,在我测测试中,这些调用协定【CallingConvention.StdCall、CallingConvention.ThisCall、CallingConvention.Cdecl、CallingConvention.Winapi】都是正常执行的,所以,我只能换【CallingConvention.FastCall】,通过 Windbg 调试器查看一些运行结果。
当把我们的项目加载到 Windebug 调试中直接运行,会抛出异常,和视频中抛出的【访问违例:Access violation】异常是不一样的。

1 0:000>g2 ModLoad: 00007ffd`15bf0000 00007ffd`15c9a000   C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll3 ModLoad: 00007ffd`166f0000 00007ffd`1678e000   C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll4 ModLoad: 00007ffd`168c0000 00007ffd`1695b000   C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll5 ModLoad: 00007ffd`17550000 00007ffd`17673000C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll6 ModLoad: 00007ffc`fd320000 00007ffc`fd3ca000   C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll7 ModLoad: 00007ffd`1696000000007ffd`169b5000   C:\Windows\System32\SHLWAPI.dll8 ModLoad: 00007ffd`152c0000 00007ffd`152d3000   C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll9 ModLoad: 00007ffd`14c80000 00007ffd`14c8a000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll10 ModLoad: 00007ffc`fbfa0000 00007ffc`fca62000   C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll11 ModLoad: 00007ffd`1732000000007ffd`174c0000   C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll12 ModLoad: 00007ffd`15240000 00007ffd`15262000C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll13 ModLoad: 00007ffc`fba00000 00007ffc`fbabd000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ucrtbase_clr0400.dll14 ModLoad: 00007ffc`fcd00000 00007ffc`fcd16000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140_CLR0400.dll15 ModLoad: 00007ffd`15bb0000 00007ffd`15bda000   C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll16 ModLoad: 00007ffd`153b0000 00007ffd`154ba000   C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll17 ModLoad: 00007ffd`1531000000007ffd`153ad000   C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll18 ModLoad: 00007ffd`154c0000 00007ffd`155c0000   C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll19 ModLoad: 00007ffd`16650000 00007ffd`16680000C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL20 ModLoad: 00007ffd`1797000000007ffd`17cc4000   C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll21 (3cf8.225c): Unknown exception - code 04242420(first chance)22 ModLoad: 00007ffc`f3650000 00007ffc`f4c50000   C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_64\mscorlib\....\mscorlib.ni.dll23 ModLoad: 00007ffd`1679000000007ffd`168b9000   C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll24 ModLoad: 00007ffd`1797000000007ffd`17cc4000   C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll25 ModLoad: 00007ffd`15b30000 00007ffd`15baf000   C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll26 ModLoad: 00007ffc`f2c50000 00007ffc`f2d9f000   C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clrjit.dll27 (3cf8.225c): C++ EH exception -code e06d7363 (first chance)28 ModLoad: 0000017d`c7a10000 0000017d`c7b0a000   image0000017d`c7a1000029 ModLoad: 0000017d`c7b10000 0000017d`c7c0a000   image0000017d`c7b1000030 (3cf8.225c): CLR exception -code e0434352 (first chance)31 ModLoad: 00007ffc`a83f0000 00007ffc`a855a000   C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\diasymreader.dll32 ModLoad: 00007ffc`f1fe0000 00007ffc`f2c50000   C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_64\System\...\System.ni.dll33 ModLoad: 00007ffc`f14b0000 00007ffc`f1f25000   C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_64\System.Core\...\System.Core.ni.dll34 ModLoad: 00007ffd`14a40000 00007ffd`14a58000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll35 ModLoad: 00007ffd`141e0000 00007ffd`14214000C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll36 ModLoad: 00007ffd`152e0000 00007ffd`15307000C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll37 ModLoad: 00007ffd`14a60000 00007ffd`14a6c000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll38 (3cf8.225c): CLR exception - code e0434352 (!!! second chance !!!)39 KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69:40 00007ffd`156d3e49 0f1f440000      nop     dword ptr [rax+rax]


所以说,我们可以直接看程序抛出的异常,更能说明直接的问题,使用 Windebug 有点多此一举。再次强调一下:我的结果和视频的结果是不一样的,原因未知。


1 0:000> !clrstack2 OS Thread Id: 0x225c (0)3 Child SP               IP Call Site4 00000034903fe910 00007ffd156d3e49 [PrestubMethodFrame: 00000034903fe910] Example_16_1_2.Program.Alloc(System.String)5 00000034903febd0 00007ffc9ca708d1 Example_16_1_2.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:\Visual Studio 2022\...\Example_16_1_2\Program.cs @ 17]6 00000034903fedf8 00007ffcfbfa6913 [GCFrame: 00000034903fedf8]7 
8 0:000>dp 00000034903fe910 l19 00000034`903fe910  00007ffc`fc7711c010 0:000>ln 00007ffc`fc7711c011 Browse module12 Set bu breakpoint13 
14 (00007ffc`fc7711c0)   clr!PrestubMethodFrame::`vftable'|  (00007ffc`fc771260)   clr!ExternalMethodFrame::`vftable'
15 Exact matches:16 
17 0:000>u 00007ffc`fc7711c018 clr!PrestubMethodFrame::`vftable':
19 00007ffc`fc7711c0 70b6            jo      clr!FaultingExceptionFrame::`vftable'+0x50 (00007ffc`fc771178)
20 00007ffc`fc7711c2 0ffcfc          paddb   mm7,mm421 00007ffc`fc7711c5 7f00            jg      clr!PrestubMethodFrame::`vftable'+0x7 (00007ffc`fc7711c7)
22 00007ffc`fc7711c7 004007          add     byte ptr [rax+7],al23 00007ffc`fc7711ca fb              sti24 00007ffc`fc7711cb fb              sti25 00007ffc`fc7711cc fc              cld26 00007ffc`fc7711cd 7f00            jg      clr!PrestubMethodFrame::`vftable'+0xf (00007ffc`fc7711cf)

调试源码:Example_16_1_4 和 Example_16_1_5(C++)
我们编译我们的两个项目,直接 ctrol+f5 运行 Example_16_1_4 项目,我们先看运行正常的情况,如果项正常运行,这个行代码【GC.Collect();】需要注释掉。运行结果如图:



上面是运行程序出现的问题,接下来,我们使用 Windbg 查找一下问题。
我们编译项目 Example_16_1_4,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【launch executable】附加程序,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。我本来想使用【
bp Example_16_1_4!AsyncProcess

1 0:000> bp Example_16_1_4!AsyncProcess2 Couldn't resolve error at'Example_16_1_4!AsyncProcess'

那我们就通过源码的方式直接给 C++ AsyncProcess 方法下断点。我们点击 Windbg 菜单栏,依次选择【Source】--->【Open Source File】,打开选择我们的 C++ 项目中的 Example_16_1_5.cpp 文件。效果如图:


我们继续执行【dv】命令,可以看到有一个 ptr,那就是我们从托管代码中传递到非托管代码中的委托,就是一个指针。

1 0:000>dv2             ptr = 0x000001cc`459a090c3         hThread = 0x00007ff8`5aa40f58

u 1cc459a090c
】命令,查看一下这个 ptr 是什么。

1 0:000>u 1cc459a090c2 000001cc`459a090c 49bae0089a45cc010000 mov r10,1CC459A08E0h3 000001cc`459a0916 48b8c021275af87f0000 mov rax,offset clr!UMThunkStub (00007ff8`5a2721c0)4 000001cc`459a0920 48ffe0          jmp     rax5 000001cc`459a0923 0000            add     byteptr [rax],al6 000001cc`459a0925 0000            add     byteptr [rax],al7 000001cc`459a0927 00ababababab    add     byte ptr [rbx-54545455h],ch8 000001cc`459a092d ab              stos    dword ptr [rdi]9 000001cc`459a092e ab              stos    dword ptr [rdi]

我们在【PCallback callback = (PCallback)lpParameter;】这行代码在下一个断点,也就是2秒后会执行这个回调。效果如图:


1 0:000>g2 Breakpoint 1hit3 Example_16_1_5!ThreadWorkItem+0x3e:4 00007fff`d444172e 488b8500010000  mov     rax,qword ptr [rbp+100h] ss:0000000a`735ffb60=000001cc459a090c


u 1cc459a090c
】命令,查看一下这个 ptr 是什么东西。

1 0:007>u 1cc459a090c2 000001cc`459a090c ee              outdx,al3 000001cc`459a090d fe              ???
4 000001cc`459a090e ee              outdx,al5 000001cc`459a090f fe              ???
6 000001cc`459a0910 ee              outdx,al7 000001cc`459a0911 fe              ???
8 000001cc`459a0912 ee              outdx,al9 000001cc`459a0913 fe              ???

都是乱码了,都是 ??? 问号了,就是说 ptr 不存在了。说明已经被我们 GC 回收了。我们也可以使用【dv】命令查看一下变化。

1 0:007>dv2     lpParameter = 0x000001cc`459a090c3        callback = 0x00000000`00000000

callback 是空值了。
如果遇到这样的情况,我们怎么解决呢?其实很简单,在我们的 C# 代码中,声明一个静态的 handle 就可以了,如:static GCHandle handle;在我的代码中,注释的部分就是解决办法。

调试源码:Example_16_1_6 和 Example_16_1_7(C++)项目
在C++ 项目中,如果我们声明了【数组】,是需要自己释放的,如果忘记释放,内存就会暴涨了。我们直接运行项目【Example_16_1_6】,看一下效果:

这次我们是通过 dump 文件进行分析的,生成 dump 文件有两种方式,第一种是通过【任务管理器】来生成的。第二种是通过【ProcessExplorer】工具来生成。

我们首先运行我们的项目 Example_16_1_6.exe,然后,我们打开【任务管理器】,找到我们的项目进程,我的进程名是【Example_16_1_6】,如果左侧有箭头,点击打开折叠的内容,在项目地址名字上点击右键,选择保存【创建转出文件】,保存成功,会弹出提示框文件的位置,效果如下:



我们的 dump 文件如图:

我们使用【ProcessExplorer】工具抓 dump 文件,个人感觉这个更好的,抓的文件更好用、更可靠。
首先运行我们的项目 Example_16_1_6.exe,然后打开【ProcessExplorer】工具,然后,在右侧的【Filter by name】过滤进程,输入我们的进程名称,比如:Example_16,不用输入全名,当然输入全名也可以。如图:

我们找到了我们的项目进程,在项目上点击右键,依次选择【Create Dump】----》【Create MiniDump】或者【Create Full Dump】,我选择的是【Create Full Dump】创建完整的 dump 文件,选择保存的文件路径就可以了。
在开始之前,我们需要做一些准备工作,否则,调试结果有些数据是看不到的,我第一次就是这样的,原来是漏了步骤了,切记,切记。我们必须打开【栈追踪】。我已经安装了 【Windows Kits】,如果没有安装的,就请去微软官网下载安装一下,毕竟 gflags.exe 包含在这个集合中。
Windows Kits 官网下载地址:

我的安装目录在:D:\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers ,大家根据自己的情况去查找。为了避免每次都进入安装目录,最好把 gflags.exe 的安装目录配置到【环境变量】里面,使用就方便了。针对我们的项目执行一下命令:gflags /i Example_16_1_6.exe +ust 。效果如图:

有了  Dump 文件就容易了,我们就可以使用 Windbg 调试了。我们打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【Open dump file】打开我们的 Dump 文件,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。我们先看看托管堆的情况,执行命令【!heap -s】。

1 0:000> !heap -s2 
4 ************************************************************************************************************************
5 NT HEAP STATS BELOW6 ************************************************************************************************************************
7 NtGlobalFlag enables following debugging aids for newheaps:8 stack back traces(必须开启栈跟踪,否则后面的操作有些不能输出)9 LFH Key                   : 0xb1c3e0529717db20
10 Termination on corruption : ENABLED11 Heap     Flags   Reserv  Commit  Virt   Free  List   UCR  Virt  Lock  Fast12 (k)     (k)    (k)     (k) length      blocks cont. heap13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 000001f3651e0000 08000002 3869212 3843092 3869108  58051   283   243    1      3LFH15 000001f363950000 08008000      64      4     64      2     1     1    0      0      
16 000001f3655b0000 08001002     164     36     60      5     2     1    0      0LFH17 000001f365420000 08001002     164     36     60      4     2     1    0      0LFH18 000001f366df0000 08001002      60      8     60      2     1     1    0      0      
19 000001f366f70000 08041002      60      8     60      5     1     1    0      0      
20 000001f37f8b0000 08041002      60      8     60      2     1     1    0      0      
21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

!heap -h 000001f3651e0000

1 0:000> !heap -h 000001f3651e00002 HEAPEXT: Unable to get address of ntdll!RtlpHeapInvalidBadAddress.3 Index   Address  Name      Debugging options enabled4   1:   1f3651e00005 Segment at 000001f3651e0000 to 000001f3652df000 (000ff000 bytes committed)6 Segment at 000001f37f300000 to 000001f37f3ff000 (000e7000 bytes committed)7 Segment at 000001f37f8c0000 to 000001f37fabf000 (001d6000 bytes committed)8 Segment at 000001f37fac0000 to 000001f37febf000 (003ee000 bytes committed)9 Segment at 000001f300000000 to 000001f3007ff000 (007db000 bytes committed)10 Segment at 000001f300800000 to 000001f3017cf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)11 Segment at 000001f3017d0000 to 000001f30279f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)12 Segment at 000001f3027a0000 to 000001f30376f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)13 Segment at 000001f303770000 to 000001f30473f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)14 Segment at 000001f304740000 to 000001f30570f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)15 Segment at 000001f305710000 to 000001f3066df000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)16 Segment at 000001f3066e0000 to 000001f3076af000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)17 Segment at 000001f3076b0000 to 000001f30867f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)18 Segment at 000001f308680000 to 000001f30964f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)19 Segment at 000001f309650000 to 000001f30a61f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)20 Segment at 000001f30a620000 to 000001f30b5ef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)21 Segment at 000001f30b5f0000 to 000001f30c5bf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)22 Segment at 000001f30c5c0000 to 000001f30d58f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)23 Segment at 000001f30d590000 to 000001f30e55f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)24 Segment at 000001f30e560000 to 000001f30f52f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)25 Segment at 000001f30f530000 to 000001f3104ff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)26 Segment at 000001f310500000 to 000001f3114cf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)27 Segment at 000001f3114d0000 to 000001f31249f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)28 Segment at 000001f3124a0000 to 000001f31346f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)29 Segment at 000001f313470000 to 000001f31443f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)30 Segment at 000001f314440000 to 000001f31540f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)31 Segment at 000001f315410000 to 000001f3163df000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)32 Segment at 000001f3163e0000 to 000001f3173af000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)33 Segment at 000001f3173b0000 to 000001f31837f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)34 Segment at 000001f318380000 to 000001f31934f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)35 Segment at 000001f319350000 to 000001f31a31f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)36 Segment at 000001f31a320000 to 000001f31b2ef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)37 Segment at 000001f31b2f0000 to 000001f31c2bf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)38 Segment at 000001f31c2c0000 to 000001f31d28f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)39 Segment at 000001f31d290000 to 000001f31e25f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)40 Segment at 000001f31e260000 to 000001f31f22f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)41 Segment at 000001f31f230000 to 000001f3201ff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)42 Segment at 000001f320200000 to 000001f3211cf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)43 Segment at 000001f3211d0000 to 000001f32219f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)44 Segment at 000001f3221a0000 to 000001f32316f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)45 Segment at 000001f323170000 to 000001f32413f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)46 Segment at 000001f324140000 to 000001f32510f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)47 Segment at 000001f325110000 to 000001f3260df000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)48 Segment at 000001f3260e0000 to 000001f3270af000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)49 Segment at 000001f3270b0000 to 000001f32807f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)50 Segment at 000001f328080000 to 000001f32904f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)51 Segment at 000001f329050000 to 000001f32a01f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)52 Segment at 000001f32a020000 to 000001f32afef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)53 Segment at 000001f32aff0000 to 000001f32bfbf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)54 Segment at 000001f32bfc0000 to 000001f32cf8f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)55 Segment at 000001f32cf90000 to 000001f32df5f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)56 Segment at 000001f32df60000 to 000001f32ef2f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)57 Segment at 000001f32ef30000 to 000001f32feff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)58 Segment at 000001f32ff00000 to 000001f330ecf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)59 Segment at 000001f330ed0000 to 000001f331e9f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)60 Segment at 000001f331ea0000 to 000001f332e6f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)61 Segment at 000001f332e70000 to 000001f333e3f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)62 Segment at 000001f333e40000 to 000001f334e0f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)63 Segment at 000001f334e10000 to 000001f335ddf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)64 Segment at 000001f335de0000 to 000001f336daf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)65 Segment at 000001f336db0000 to 000001f337d7f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)66 Segment at 000001f337d80000 to 000001f338d4f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)67 Segment at 000001f338d50000 to 000001f339d1f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)68 Segment at 000001f339d20000 to 000001f33acef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)69 Segment at 000001f33acf0000 to 000001f33bcbf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)70 Segment at 000001f33bcc0000 to 000001f33cc8f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)71 Segment at 000001f33cc90000 to 000001f33dc5f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)72 Segment at 000001f33dc60000 to 000001f33ec2f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)73 Segment at 000001f33ec30000 to 000001f33fbff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)74 Segment at 000001f33fc00000 to 000001f340bcf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)75 Segment at 000001f340bd0000 to 000001f341b9f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)76 Segment at 000001f341ba0000 to 000001f342b6f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)77 Segment at 000001f342b70000 to 000001f343b3f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)78 Segment at 000001f343b40000 to 000001f344b0f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)79 Segment at 000001f344b10000 to 000001f345adf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)80 Segment at 000001f345ae0000 to 000001f346aaf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)81 Segment at 000001f346ab0000 to 000001f347a7f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)82 Segment at 000001f347a80000 to 000001f348a4f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)83 Segment at 000001f348a50000 to 000001f349a1f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)84 Segment at 000001f349a20000 to 000001f34a9ef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)85 Segment at 000001f34a9f0000 to 000001f34b9bf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)86 Segment at 000001f34b9c0000 to 000001f34c98f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)87 Segment at 000001f34c990000 to 000001f34d95f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)88 Segment at 000001f34d960000 to 000001f34e92f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)89 Segment at 000001f34e930000 to 000001f34f8ff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)90 Segment at 000001f34f900000 to 000001f3508cf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)91 Segment at 000001f3508d0000 to 000001f35189f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)92 Segment at 000001f3518a0000 to 000001f35286f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)93 Segment at 000001f352870000 to 000001f35383f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)94 Segment at 000001f353840000 to 000001f35480f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)95 Segment at 000001f354810000 to 000001f3557df000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)96 Segment at 000001f3557e0000 to 000001f3567af000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)97 Segment at 000001f3567b0000 to 000001f35777f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)98 Segment at 000001f357780000 to 000001f35874f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)99 Segment at 000001f358750000 to 000001f35971f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)100 Segment at 000001f359720000 to 000001f35a6ef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)101 Segment at 000001f35a6f0000 to 000001f35b6bf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)102 Segment at 000001f35b6c0000 to 000001f35c68f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)103 Segment at 000001f35c690000 to 000001f35d65f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)104 Segment at 000001f35d660000 to 000001f35e62f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)105 Segment at 000001f35e630000 to 000001f35f5ff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)106 Segment at 000001f35f600000 to 000001f3605cf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)107 Segment at 000001f3605d0000 to 000001f36159f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)108 Segment at 000001f3615a0000 to 000001f36256f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)109 Segment at 000001f362570000 to 000001f36353f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)110 Segment at 000001f37fec0000 to 000001f380e8f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)666666 Segment at 000001f380e90000 to 000001f381e5f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)112 Segment at 000001f381e60000 to 000001f382e2f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)113 Segment at 000001f382e30000 to 000001f383dff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)114 Segment at 000001f383e00000 to 000001f384dcf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)115 Segment at 000001f384dd0000 to 000001f385d9f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)116 Segment at 000001f385da0000 to 000001f386d6f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)117 Segment at 000001f386d70000 to 000001f387d3f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)118 Segment at 000001f387d40000 to 000001f388d0f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)119 Segment at 000001f388d10000 to 000001f389cdf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)120 Segment at 000001f389ce0000 to 000001f38acaf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)121 Segment at 000001f38acb0000 to 000001f38bc7f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)122 Segment at 000001f38bc80000 to 000001f38cc4f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)123 Segment at 000001f38cc50000 to 000001f38dc1f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)124 Segment at 000001f38dc20000 to 000001f38ebef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)125 Segment at 000001f38ebf0000 to 000001f38fbbf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)126 Segment at 000001f38fbc0000 to 000001f390b8f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)127 Segment at 000001f390b90000 to 000001f391b5f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)128 Segment at 000001f391b60000 to 000001f392b2f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)129 Segment at 000001f392b30000 to 000001f393aff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)130 Segment at 000001f393b00000 to 000001f394acf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)131 Segment at 000001f394ad0000 to 000001f395a9f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)132 Segment at 000001f395aa0000 to 000001f396a6f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)133 Segment at 000001f396a70000 to 000001f397a3f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)134 Segment at 000001f397a40000 to 000001f398a0f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)135 Segment at 000001f398a10000 to 000001f3999df000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)136 Segment at 000001f3999e0000 to 000001f39a9af000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)137 Segment at 000001f39a9b0000 to 000001f39b97f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)138 Segment at 000001f39b980000 to 000001f39c94f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)139 Segment at 000001f39c950000 to 000001f39d91f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)140 Segment at 000001f39d920000 to 000001f39e8ef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)141 Segment at 000001f39e8f0000 to 000001f39f8bf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)142 Segment at 000001f39f8c0000 to 000001f3a088f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)143 Segment at 000001f3a0890000 to 000001f3a185f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)144 Segment at 000001f3a1860000 to 000001f3a282f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)145 Segment at 000001f3a2830000 to 000001f3a37ff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)146 Segment at 000001f3a3800000 to 000001f3a47cf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)147 Segment at 000001f3a47d0000 to 000001f3a579f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)148 Segment at 000001f3a57a0000 to 000001f3a676f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)149 Segment at 000001f3a6770000 to 000001f3a773f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)150 Segment at 000001f3a7740000 to 000001f3a870f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)151 Segment at 000001f3a8710000 to 000001f3a96df000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)152 Segment at 000001f3a96e0000 to 000001f3aa6af000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)153 Segment at 000001f3aa6b0000 to 000001f3ab67f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)154 Segment at 000001f3ab680000 to 000001f3ac64f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)155 Segment at 000001f3ac650000 to 000001f3ad61f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)156 Segment at 000001f3ad620000 to 000001f3ae5ef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)157 Segment at 000001f3ae5f0000 to 000001f3af5bf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)158 Segment at 000001f3af5c0000 to 000001f3b058f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)159 Segment at 000001f3b0590000 to 000001f3b155f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)160 Segment at 000001f3b1560000 to 000001f3b252f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)161 Segment at 000001f3b2530000 to 000001f3b34ff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)162 Segment at 000001f3b3500000 to 000001f3b44cf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)163 Segment at 000001f3b44d0000 to 000001f3b549f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)164 Segment at 000001f3b54a0000 to 000001f3b646f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)165 Segment at 000001f3b6470000 to 000001f3b743f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)166 Segment at 000001f3b7440000 to 000001f3b840f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)167 Segment at 000001f3b8410000 to 000001f3b93df000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)168 Segment at 000001f3b93e0000 to 000001f3ba3af000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)169 Segment at 000001f3ba3b0000 to 000001f3bb37f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)170 Segment at 000001f3bb380000 to 000001f3bc34f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)171 Segment at 000001f3bc350000 to 000001f3bd31f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)172 Segment at 000001f3bd320000 to 000001f3be2ef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)173 Segment at 000001f3be2f0000 to 000001f3bf2bf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)174 Segment at 000001f3bf2c0000 to 000001f3c028f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)175 Segment at 000001f3c0290000 to 000001f3c125f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)176 Segment at 000001f3c1260000 to 000001f3c222f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)177 Segment at 000001f3c2230000 to 000001f3c31ff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)178 Segment at 000001f3c3200000 to 000001f3c41cf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)179 Segment at 000001f3c41d0000 to 000001f3c519f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)180 Segment at 000001f3c51a0000 to 000001f3c616f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)181 Segment at 000001f3c6170000 to 000001f3c713f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)182 Segment at 000001f3c7140000 to 000001f3c810f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)183 Segment at 000001f3c8110000 to 000001f3c90df000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)184 Segment at 000001f3c90e0000 to 000001f3ca0af000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)185 Segment at 000001f3ca0b0000 to 000001f3cb07f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)186 Segment at 000001f3cb080000 to 000001f3cc04f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)187 Segment at 000001f3cc050000 to 000001f3cd01f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)188 Segment at 000001f3cd020000 to 000001f3cdfef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)189 Segment at 000001f3cdff0000 to 000001f3cefbf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)190 Segment at 000001f3cefc0000 to 000001f3cff8f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)191 Segment at 000001f3cff90000 to 000001f3d0f5f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)192 Segment at 000001f3d0f60000 to 000001f3d1f2f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)193 Segment at 000001f3d1f30000 to 000001f3d2eff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)194 Segment at 000001f3d2f00000 to 000001f3d3ecf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)195 Segment at 000001f3d3ed0000 to 000001f3d4e9f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)196 Segment at 000001f3d4ea0000 to 000001f3d5e6f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)197 Segment at 000001f3d5e70000 to 000001f3d6e3f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)198 Segment at 000001f3d6e40000 to 000001f3d7e0f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)199 Segment at 000001f3d7e10000 to 000001f3d8ddf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)200 Segment at 000001f3d8de0000 to 000001f3d9daf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)201 Segment at 000001f3d9db0000 to 000001f3dad7f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)202 Segment at 000001f3dad80000 to 000001f3dbd4f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)203 Segment at 000001f3dbd50000 to 000001f3dcd1f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)204 Segment at 000001f3dcd20000 to 000001f3ddcef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)205 Segment at 000001f3ddcf0000 to 000001f3decbf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)206 Segment at 000001f3decc0000 to 000001f3dfc8f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)207 Segment at 000001f3dfc90000 to 000001f3e0c5f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)208 Segment at 000001f3e0c60000 to 000001f3e1c2f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)209 Segment at 000001f3e1c30000 to 000001f3e2bff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)210 Segment at 000001f3e2c00000 to 000001f3e3bcf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)211 Segment at 000001f3e3bd0000 to 000001f3e4b9f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)212 Segment at 000001f3e4ba0000 to 000001f3e5b6f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)213 Segment at 000001f3e5b70000 to 000001f3e6b3f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)214 Segment at 000001f3e6b40000 to 000001f3e7b0f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)215 Segment at 000001f3e7b10000 to 000001f3e8adf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)216 Segment at 000001f3e8ae0000 to 000001f3e9aaf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)217 Segment at 000001f3e9ab0000 to 000001f3eaa7f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)218 Segment at 000001f3eaa80000 to 000001f3eba4f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)219 Segment at 000001f3eba50000 to 000001f3eca1f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)220 Segment at 000001f3eca20000 to 000001f3ed9ef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)221 Segment at 000001f3ed9f0000 to 000001f3ee9bf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)222 Segment at 000001f3ee9c0000 to 000001f3ef98f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)223 Segment at 000001f3ef990000 to 000001f3f095f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)224 Segment at 000001f3f0960000 to 000001f3f192f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)225 Segment at 000001f3f1930000 to 000001f3f28ff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)226 Segment at 000001f3f2900000 to 000001f3f38cf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)227 Segment at 000001f3f38d0000 to 000001f3f489f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)228 Segment at 000001f3f48a0000 to 000001f3f586f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)229 Segment at 000001f3f5870000 to 000001f3f683f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)230 Segment at 000001f3f6840000 to 000001f3f780f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)231 Segment at 000001f3f7810000 to 000001f3f87df000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)232 Segment at 000001f3f87e0000 to 000001f3f97af000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)233 Segment at 000001f3f97b0000 to 000001f3fa77f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)234 Segment at 000001f3fa780000 to 000001f3fb74f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)235 Segment at 000001f3fb750000 to 000001f3fc71f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)236 Segment at 000001f3fc720000 to 000001f3fd6ef000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)237 Segment at 000001f3fd6f0000 to 000001f3fe6bf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)238 Segment at 000001f3fe6c0000 to 000001f3ff68f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)239 Segment at 000001f3ff690000 to 000001f40065f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)240 Segment at 000001f400660000 to 000001f40162f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)241 Segment at 000001f401630000 to 000001f4025ff000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)242 Segment at 000001f402600000 to 000001f4035cf000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)243 Segment at 000001f4035d0000 to 000001f40459f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)244 Segment at 000001f4045a0000 to 000001f40556f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)245 Segment at 000001f405570000 to 000001f40653f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)246 Segment at 000001f406540000 to 000001f40750f000 (00fb5000 bytes committed)247 Segment at 000001f407510000 to 000001f4084df000 (00eec000 bytes committed)248     Flags:                08000002
249     ForceFlags:           00000000
250     Granularity:          16bytes251 Segment Reserve:      ec360000252     Segment Commit:       00002000
253     DeCommit Block Thres: 00000400
254     DeCommit Total Thres: 00001000
255 Total Free Size:      0038b0df256 Max. Allocation Size: 00007ffffffdefff257 Lock Variable at:     000001f3651e02c0258     Next TagIndex:        0000
259     Maximum TagIndex:     0000
260     Tag Entries:          00000000
261     PsuedoTag Entries:    00000000
262 Virtual Alloc List:   1f3651e0110263         000001f366e09000: 00100000 [commited 101000, unused 1000] -busy (b)264 Uncommitted ranges:   1f3651e00f0265     FreeList[ 00 ] at 000001f3651e0150: 000001f301778010 . 000001f37f33fe80   (283blocks)266 
267     Heap entries for Segment00 inHeap 000001f3651e0000268 address: psize . size  flags   state (requested size)269         000001f3651e0000: 00000 . 00740 [101] -busy (73f)270         000001f3651e0740: 00740 . 00080 [101] - busy (50)271         000001f3651e07c0: 00080 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)272         000001f3651e0820: 00060 . 00030 [101] - busy (4)273         000001f3651e0850: 00030 . 00130 [101] - busy (100)274         000001f3651e0980: 00130 . 00200 [101] -busy (1d8)275         000001f3651e0b80: 00200 . 00200 [101] -busy (1d8)276         000001f3651e0d80: 00200 . 00070 [101] - busy (48)277         000001f3651e0df0: 00070 . 00030 [101] - busy (4)278         000001f3651e0e20: 00030 . 00040 [101] - busy (10)279         000001f3651e0e60: 00040 . 00130 [101] - busy (100)280         000001f3651e0f90: 00130 . 00130 [101] - busy (100)281         000001f3651e10c0: 00130 . 01510 [101] -busy (14e8)282         000001f3651e25d0: 01510 . 00950 [101] -busy (91c)283         000001f3651e2f20: 00950 . 00070 [101] -busy (3c)284         000001f3651e2f90: 00070 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)285         000001f3651e2ff0: 00060 . 00090 [101] - busy (62)286         000001f3651e3080: 00090 . 00150 [101] - busy (120)287         000001f3651e31d0: 00150 . 00080 [101] - busy (50)288         000001f3651e3250: 00080 . 00150 [101] - busy (120)289         000001f3651e33a0: 00150 . 00080 [101] - busy (50)290         000001f3651e3420: 00080 . 00260 [101] - busy (238)291         000001f3651e3680: 00260 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)292         000001f3651e36e0: 00060 . 00090 [101] - busy (68)293         000001f3651e3770: 00090 . 00040 [101] - busy (10)294         000001f3651e37b0: 00040 . 00150 [101] - busy (120)295         000001f3651e3900: 00150 . 00080 [101] - busy (50)296         000001f3651e3980: 00080 . 00070 [101] - busy (40)297         000001f3651e39f0: 00070 . 00030 [101] - busy (8)298         000001f3651e3a20: 00030 . 00050 [101] - busy (20)299         000001f3651e3a70: 00050 . 00080 [101] - busy (50)300         000001f3651e3af0: 00080 . 00090 [101] - busy (68)301         000001f3651e3b80: 00090 . 00150 [101] - busy (120)302         000001f3651e3cd0: 00150 . 00080 [101] - busy (50)303         000001f3651e3d50: 00080 . 00070 [101] - busy (42)304         000001f3651e3dc0: 00070 . 00130 [101] - busy (100)305         000001f3651e3ef0: 00130 . 00130 [101] - busy (100)306         000001f3651e4020: 00130 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)307         000001f3651e4080: 00060 . 00070 [101] - busy (30)308         000001f3651e40f0: 00070 . 00050 [101] - busy (20)309         000001f3651e4140: 00050 . 00070 [101] - busy (42)310         000001f3651e41b0: 00070 . 000a0 [101] - busy (75)311         000001f3651e4250: 000a0 . 00150 [101] - busy (120)312         000001f3651e43a0: 00150 . 00080 [101] - busy (50)313         000001f3651e4420: 00080 . 00070 [101] - busy (46)314         000001f3651e4490: 00070 . 00430 [101] - busy (400)315         000001f3651e48c0: 00430 . 00430 [101] - busy (400)316         000001f3651e4cf0: 00430 . 00130 [101] - busy (100)317         000001f3651e4e20: 00130 . 00130 [101] - busy (100)318         000001f3651e4f50: 00130 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)319         000001f3651e4fb0: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)320         000001f3651e5010: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)321         000001f3651e5070: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)322         000001f3651e50d0: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)323         000001f3651e5130: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)324         000001f3651e5190: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)325         000001f3651e51f0: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)326         000001f3651e5250: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)327         000001f3651e52b0: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)328         000001f3651e5310: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)329         000001f3651e5370: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)330         000001f3651e53d0: 00060 . 00060 [101] - busy (30)331         000001f3651e5430: 00060 . 00810 [101] -busy (80f) Internal332         000001f3651e5c40: 00810 . 01cb0 [101] -busy (1caf) Internal333         000001f3651e78f0: 01cb0 . 00130 [101] - busy (108)334         000001f3651e7a20: 00130 . 000b0 [101] - busy (88)335         000001f3651e7ad0: 000b0 . 00830 [101] - busy (800) Internal336         000001f3651e8300: 00830 . 00420 [101] -busy (3f0) Internal337         000001f3651e8720: 00420 . 00050 [101] - busy (20)338         000001f3651e8770: 00050 . 00120 [101] -busy (f0)339         000001f3651e8890: 00120 . 00050 [101] -busy (1a)340         000001f3651e88e0: 00050 . 00200 [101] -busy (1d8)341         000001f3651e8ae0: 00200 . 00070 [101] - busy (48)342         000001f3651e8b50: 00070 . 00120 [101] - busy (f0)

!heap -x 0000022b076de000

1         0000022b0769c010: 42010 . 41ff0 [101] -busy (41fe0) Internal2         0000022b076de000: 41ff0 . 00400 [101] -busy (3f0) Internal (我选的这个地址3         0000022b076de400: 00400 . 41c00 [101] -busy (41bf0) Internal4         0000022b07720000: 41c00 . 10fc0 [100]5         0000022b07730fc0: 10fc0 . 00040 [666666] -busy (3d)6         0000022b07731000:      00b9e000      -uncommitted bytes.7 0:000> !heap -x 0000022b076de000(这个地址我是随便选的8 Entry             User              Heap              Segment               Size  PrevSize  Unused    Flags9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 0000022b076de000  0000022b076de010  0000022a779a0000  0000022b07300000       400     41ff0        10  busy  internal


我测试到这里,没有测试到我需要的结果,不知道原因为什么,和【一线码农】视频有差距。当我执行【!heap -x】 命令,没有得到我想要的结果,所以后面执行【!heap -p -a】命令就没有办法执行了。

终于写完了,这个系列也终于写完了,我说的这个系列是基于视频的这个系列,因为我打算基于《Net 高级调试》这个本书,再出一个系列。底层的东西,一次肯定是理解不透的,需要深入、多次的操作和调试。学习过程真的没那么轻松,还好是自己比较喜欢这一行,否则真不知道自己能不能坚持下来。

标签: none
